State government had constituted the West Bengal Group-D Recruitment Board, vide notification no. 1924/ HR/ N/ G8P-153/15 dated 17th November 2015, for recruitment of around 60,000 Group-D personnel, in phases, against the vacant sanctioned posts available in the various offices of the Government of West Bengal.
The Recruitment Board had started functioning from 1st January, 2016 and has its permanent office location in Utility Building, Action Area II, New Town, Kolkata - 700161.
Applications were invited on-line for recruitment of 6000 Group D personnel in the offices of the State Government, located all over the State of West Bengal. In response to our advertisement, 24.68 lakh valid applications were submitted.
Details of the Recruitment process, including the Revised Recruitment Rule, Syllabus and the updated examination scheme etc are available on the Board's website.
Written Examination 2017 had been held on 20th May 2017. On Completion of interview process category-wise merit list of provisionally selected candidate was published on 18/08/2018.